Practicing what a student learned in school to enforce newly learned skills
Preparation activities to help a student get ready for the learning that will happen in school
Extension activities that are longer or continuing projects that parallel the learning that is happening in school
Homework Help Suggestions for Parents
Encourage and praise your child for their hard work, effort and completion of their homework
Have a specific time and place each day or night for doing homework
Take advantage of the Basalt Regional Public Library homework help sessions and tutoring resources
Call and ask to meet with the teacher when you have questions or concerns about your child’s learning and/or homework
Turn off TV, computers, or other distractions
Don’t allow phone use during homework time
Have supplies available: pens, pencils, paper, notebooks, books, dictionaries, markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc.
Eat dinner or a healthy snack first - for energy!
Drink water to improve cognitive functions
Important Things to Remember When Working With Your Child on Homework
Help your child by demonstrating a positive attitude
Model or let your child see you using skills in reading, writing, and math
Talk to your child about using these skills
Look over your child’s homework
Don’t do your child’s homework for him or her
Don’t get angry over any homework assignment
Contact your child’s teacher with concerns