Safe & Welcoming Schools

At Roaring Fork Schools, the safety of our students and staff is our top priority. Our leadership team works directly with the local police departments to ensure coordinated approaches to school safety, and we regularly enact precautionary safety measures to keep our school communities safe. We are grateful for your support to prepare in advance for a crisis or emergency.

How are the Roaring Fork Schools Prepared for a Crisis or Emergency?

● We have a comprehensive crisis plan that details protocols for a variety of crisis and emergency situations. The crisis plan is reviewed and updated regularly.

● We partner with local police, fire, and sheriff’s departments in planning efforts, and collaborate regularly with these agencies to share information, plan for situations that may arise, and streamline communication efforts.

School Visitors

Always sign in at the front office when you enter the building and put on a BES VISITOR sticker.

When picking up your child during school hours:

-Sign in at the front desk and put on a BES VISITOR sticker -Sign your child out at the front desk -Ask the front desk to contact your child's teacher and have your child sent up to the office to meet you

Please limit entry into the building during school hours, unless you are scheduled to volunteer or picking up your child. Monitoring the number of people in the school protects instructional time and provides increased safety for our children.


Bullying is…Bullying is when someone is mean to you, on purpose, over and over again, creating an imbalance of power in the relationship. Bullying behavior can be direct or indirect and may take many forms, including, but not limited to: teasing, relational aggression, exclusion, harassment, verbal/ physical/emotional degradation and threats, name-calling, intimidation, public humiliation, and causing harm/violence. Behaving in such a manner through the use of technology (internet, cell phones, etc.) is also considered bully behavior.

Bullying is NOT…Age appropriate conflict between peers is not considered bully behavior. Normal peer conflict: happens on occasion, is accidental, lacks seriousness, and displays equal power among disputants. “Not Bullying” may include: not liking someone, arguing, sharing unfavorable personal thoughts/feelings, and being bossy. We employ a “Zero Tolerance” policy for bullying. This policy extends to all school environments, including school buildings, grounds, vehicles, bus stops, and school sponsored activities. Students who bully will be “subject to appropriate disciplinary action including suspension, expulsion, and/or referral to law enforcement authorities.”